Madagascar Island, Republic of Madagascar_Berenty Nature Reserve
- Thursday, June 28 2007 @ 03:14 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 4,884

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Japanese speaking guide

Monkey's favorite food

Female worker working at a hemp factory
Didierea tree with many thorns
Colored iguana
Nocturnal lemur aye-aye
Hemp factory
Hemp field
Me and the forest Keeper
Sun-dried hemp
Black lemur
Tree to molt Black lemur
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Ring tailed lemur
Investigator Adia
The mosquito net inside the lodge is also surprisingly comfortable
Wood carving souvenirs
A crowded market
Fruit market once a week
Cow, bicycle, car together
With young people at the airport
Air Madagascar

It seems that the black people
who are soaring dust work well.
A female worker whoposeson the piled hemp.
She exchanges a grinning greeting withBonjour
(good morning).
The factory operates from6 am to 10pm.
Due to private power generation,power transmissionstopsat the lodgeat 10 o'clock,
and the world of candlesburns until morning.

Cassia,cactus, aloe, etc.,
whereyellow flowers bloom,
and Morinaka are the food storage.
Human food is scarce.
Ring-tailed lemur,
which has groups of30-40 and counts 500. He told me that there are about200200 Sifaka inhabiting here.
It was a pity that I couldn't see the comical
appearance of the sideways flight.
Photo enthusiast Prisca
(Swiss) also likes traveling.
She said she went to Kushiro to shoot swans in January.
People who are similar can talk to each other.
From Japan,Soma Takayo (Kyoto University)
coming to researchthe ring-tailed lemur.
(4th time in total, 2 and a half years)
I'm also coming to investigate fromAntananarivo.
Adia (22 Malagasy)
is familiar with the behavior of five herds of lemur.
The ring-tailed lemur,which I met during my early morning walk,
walked with the brown and black striped tail raised high.
Adiatold me they would take this road after 8 o'clock.
Holdthe cameraand wait for10minutes,
The boss of the group of 16 is a female.
A monkey army corpsthat enjoys the sun in the, morning.
The food for monkeys in the forest, which is a bit different fromthe Nikko Monkeysis abundant.
70years ago (1936) Farmer of sisal hemp field It was founded by the
Frenchman, Henri de Holm.
His son Jean is the successor to
the private reserve.
Rich forests covered with
deep green all year round, are well maintained.
Suddenly after lunch,
I was welcomed by the sideways flight of
"Verreaux's Sifaka".
There was no time to take out the camera,
and I finallycaught the still figure.
At first, only researchers in the park could get up close,
it was finally released to tourists25years ago, half a century later.
From the capitalAntananarivoto the south airport
1hour and 20minutes
(Fall Do Juan).
A protected area withside-flying lemur
that are famous inTV commercials
(88 km west of 250 ha)
It takes 4hours. Anyway, it's a bumpy road.
"Why don't you fix it?"
"Eat before the road"
100times more than a protected area
Eight years after planting,the fibers are taken out bycutting (leaves similar to aloe)
squeezing machine.
After adjusting the sun-dried length for two days,
the story of compressing and exporting to Europe bounces.
Berenty Nature Reserve