Ischia Island, Italy_Prologue
- Monday, June 25 2007 @ 04:24 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 3,594


Port town
Two people in the harbor
Ischia harbor
Grape for wine
Fisherman repairing the net
The harbor is flooded with seawater
Ischia Castle in the setting sun
Ischia Castle

Grapes have not been harvested yet on the mountain.
Fig, olive, persimmon and lemonbear fruit.
The fruits of the grace of the sun
are seen all over the Island,
and the Islanders spend their days quietly.
Farmers have a winecellar
and enjoy each taste.
Every year on the morning of November 21,
it is customary for families to go to the cellar to drinknew wine
and eat rawsalamiinthe wine cellarto celebrate the new liquor.
I envy the custom of having a different taste
and lid from the Japanese "Beaujolais Nouveau".
The Island with a circumference of 34km is rugged
and crowded withGerman tourists.
Restaurantsandhotels are closed from November to the end of March.
It is said that the highest peak of the Island, Mt. Epomeo(788m)
erupted in 1302 and the residents evacuated to
the small Island where the current castle is located in order to escape from lava.
There is alsoa hotelin Ischia Castle, which reminds me of a fortress.
The bad weather atIschia harboris rough
and the fishermen are waiting for the weather to recover.
"A few days later,
the fisherman's boss murmured that the sea would be rough.
At high tide, seawater is flooding the harbor so much that it is flooded.
At the time of writing this travelogue
(October 16, Ischia Island)
the phone in the room rang.
Telling us that our luggage has arrived at the front desk.
thanks toRikako in Japan's for
sending the stolen item inMilan.
A chargeranda multi-plugarrived,
I'm so happy that I can thank the people who helped me
when I was in trouble while traveling.
Thank you "Rikako Yonezawa"