Friday, March 07 2025 @ 11:27 AM JST

Denmark Greenland_Narsalsark (South Greenland)

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Denmark Greenland (66th island)


Only one whole hotel

Inuit folk costume




The temperature on July 31, 2009 was also 18 degrees Celsius, and it was cold in the morning and evening. I experienced 5 to 10 degrees. A large ice block will flow from around June. At the beginning of August, it will become a moderately sized ice object and show a blue glow. The "iceberg cruise" that takes you on a wooden boat between the ice is very exciting and romantic.

The world's largest "ice land", "Greenland" was named the green land. It is said that the maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius continued in the summer around 1000 AD and it was suitable for farming. 1000 years later.

Fjord iceberg in front of the hotel

Greenland flag

South Greenland, Narsarsuaq (population 4000). The small Reykjavik airport is crowded with people. Airport staff insist that it is okay to have only 5, 6 baggage vouchers. Atlanta Airlines, 30 minutes late, goes one way "to the biggest Island in the world" "Inuit" that is very similar to Japanese people 4000 years of history still continues.

Travel companion Shigeko, Kotetsu, Fusae, Morley, Kazu


Port of Narsarsuaq

In front of the hotel

Blue ice peeking through the cracks in the iceberg

In the summer, the sun sets around 10 pm

There is a record of a polar bear (polar bear) on the ice ground in the middle of winter 10 years ago, but even that figure has disappeared now. Due to the effects of global warming, a large number of icebergs float from north to south in the Danish Strait that lies in Iceland and Greenland.

However, a horde of countless mosquitoes was welcomed by a difficult enemy. The mosquito repellent net that I had prepared comes into play. From the encounter of admiration and surprise to the ice sculptures flowing through the glaciers of nature, the beginning of the journey to South Greenland.

The indigenous people's pure blood, which looks a lot like the Japanese, has faded and is associated with all ethnic groups. The US Air Force dormitory has been converted into a hotel and is a base for many tourists. Six of us were the first Japanese to visit in 2009. Mr. and Mrs. Furuya, a friend of 50 years. My brother-in-law, Kazuo Hayashi and his wife.

An Inuit private house that was taken care of on the Island of Shishmaref in Alaska. I feel like asking a distant relative for some reason. 80% of the land is ice land. An iceberg floats in front of the hotel. "Ice Park" where expectations are rising for iceberg cruises.

Beautiful army corps wearing a mosquito repellent net

Narsarsuaq Hotel

