Pohnpei Island, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia_Masako Akinaga
- Saturday, June 09 2007 @ 05:06 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 5,467

Deep-fried Shamoi
From a fishing boat
Right, Mr. Koji Akinaga
Masako Akinaga and Kotetsu

He is Japanese but has Pompeii nationality.
He speaks in Japanese, English and local languages.
His mother, Masako (79), moved to Japan at the age of 20.
When she was25 and she returned to Pompeii again.
She raised four sons and is now living a comfortable life.
Koji’s hobby is fishing.
Thanks to Koji, I will go fishing with him tomorrow.
Thank you! Yes
In a strange country I visited for the first time
I feel the richness of humanity in the relationship like an old acquaintance.
In the sea like the surface of a lake, In the sea like the surface of a lake, the moment when the splash is illuminated by the setting sun and bursts into silver,
somehow"a lot of happiness".
"Shamoi" appears as fried chicken for dinner.
Mr. Bangjasays that it is better to eat by hand because it has strong bones
(Koji's wife) advice.
I mixed salt with Island pepper
special seasoning has a special taste.
At dinner Masako'sold tales are amazing.
My favorite rod is TegusNo. 3, hook No. 6,
, The bait is the belly of bonito,
Throw it near the mangrove.
Wind up the reel by hand that cannot be done my wife,
we got two fish.
the catch30 fish
in 3 hours (A type of sea bream).
There are many restaurants on the island that serve Japanese food
I decided to eat at around 7 shops.
The owner of the revolving restaurantPCR isMr. Koji Akinaga (52).
At the rotating counter, which is only sushi、
Nowadays, raw fish・seaweed・vinegared food・ deep fried・vegetables・
curry・teriyaki chicken・deep fried meat・deep fried pork on rice and anything else.
I'm dizzy to choose,
She went to elementary school on Yap Island.
She is a senior of Toucan Kira (77) who I met on Yap.
She talked about the strange circumstances of her life.
The wives of the second and third sons are Japanese and sisters.
I feel very familiar with Masako, a living character of Micronesia.
I will be told the contact information if there are relatives in Kosraeon the next Island visit.
About 50Japanese people live in Pompeii,
which is not so familiar to us. In the past, the number was100,but it is decreasing due to the withdrawal of companies.
Masako Akinaga