Burnt palm

As the harbor approaches, the whole area is "pale white-green"
The world of the country of fantasy, which looks like shed paint.
The color of the sea,
which is almost transparent the clear blue sky continues beyond the horizon,
the glittering sun makes us forget even the passage of time.
I've never seen such a beautiful sea.
。"Beauty that can't be drawn in a picture" is often said.
What a smart measure of nature!
The untouched unglazed nature,
it is a sea that can be registered as a World Heritage Site.
Sit at the tip of the boat, breathtakingly staring at the sea,
I am impressed goose bumps all over.
Even though it's a great photo opportunity
For news photographers, I can’t be.

From London villagein the west to Poland villagelocated in the south 50 minutes by boat.
It takes three hours by car,picnic by boat,
Palm trees are densely packed on the side of the straight road to the harbor.
For some reason, it is spontaneous combustion that is burnt black in some places. It's by
bush fire.
Suddenly one side while driving,
covered with smoke and fire, palm trees are burning,
A truck passes by next to it.
lower yourself in the heat
I even forgot to take out my camera.
Encountered manta rays aroundCook Island on the way to the Polish village,
A herd of 30 heads.
The angler said,"Manta rays get in the way."
There are divers on other Islands seeking manta rays,
you can easily see it on this Island even from the top of a boat.
Boat picnic