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Republic of Vanuatu Tanna Island_Epilog

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Republic of Vanuatu Tanna Island (46th island)



Kotetsu in a commemorative photo with young people in Ipai Village

Village baby

When you pour beer, white bubbles form and transform into draft beer.

Palm cup

With children at the hot spring

Naked tribe men

Woman in the village

Local beer

Kava bar master

A driver who does a lot of nights at the kava bar

Naked tribe parent and child

Witness the eruption of Mount Yasur

Native banana

The root of Yangona

Naked tribe children and Kotetsu

July 28-31, 2007

                    Traveling Iron Man Yoshimasa Ikeuchi

I was surprised to see a newborn suckling baby enter the smoke of straw for dinner, thought the house with a bright smile, loved the child, and helped each other to live.

The original human figure is here.

Perhaps it is a civilized person who wears clothes from the way he was born, and some people can live happily naked.

Does the Island look good?

Natural storage does not run out of stock all year round.

If you drink 4 to 5 cups of the dreamy drink, Japanese people can't do it.

 It cannot be said that the luxurious taste of fine wine and the earthy kava are superior.

If you drink beer in a hippopotamus container, it will become a creamy foam and turn into draft beer.

Even if you don't have alcohol,
you can feel the dream at the root of Yangona.

A 100vt cup of coconut palm "Kava bar" is a paradise for men.

A small bare light bulb in the dark is a landmark.

There are 3-4 employees in the dim thatched roof.

There are 3 people and 4 people in the grass,
and it seems to be comfortable.

The material of the Kava is a tree of the pepper family called Yangona.

If it is made into cuttings, it will grow in three years.

I visited a naked tribe with a gentle smile and was surprised at the old-fashioned life.

She witnessed the eruption of an active volcano, felt the breath of the earth, and saw her alive.

Fruits abundant in naturally occurring taro and bananas.

You can get freshly picked ripe fruits all year round without going to a fruit shop.

Even self-sufficient, he has a better physique than us.

Kotetsu's one word

The wonders of nature were shown at the crater of Mount Yasur I was very impressed by the fact that I met a dignified wild horse in the white grass meadow.

