United States Shishmaref Island_Sepatimu River Adventure 1
- Friday, December 28 2007 @ 02:18 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 3,941

Wetlands on the shores of river cruises
Take a hunting gun and go looking for a caribou
With a duck in both hands
Lobby looking for caribou
Musk ox
Many birds live on both banks of the river
River cruise
Fish net set up
Also load sand buggies
Cross the Arctic Ocean with this boat

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The dynamic autumn colors of the meadow change
from summer to autumn as if we were waiting for them to come.
It will soon change to the world of negative freezer.
The boat goes up the river.
Dennis aimed with a shotgun.
He triggers bang at an unstoppable speed.
A duck has fallen into the river.
The lobby grabs it at the right time.
After all, the appearance of wild animals that happen to meet in nature is different.
I didn't want to leave, but Dennis hurried me.
Two people who sometimes stop the boat and look into the binoculars.
Apparently, they are looking for a caribou for today's prey.
A carpet of autumn leaves that extends to the horizon.
The lobby was "all green until last week," he said.
The dynamic autumn colors of the meadow change
from summer to autumn as if we were waiting for them to come.
The Arctic Circle at the western end of Alaska is full of charm to the unknown.
The speed of the boat suddenly dropped.
There are three musk animals in the grassland on the right bank.
Eating grass in the meadow and in the sunlight his coat is swaying.
One head started running.
The dashing appearance is heroic.
The other two with their horns facing each other.
There is nothing to disturb wild animals.
Speaking of enemies, humans are the only ones.
There are no boats going back and forth after departure.
Many birds take off every time they climb the hairpin curve river.
Flocks of swans, seagulls,
and other unknown birds are surprised by the sound of the engine and soar into the sky.
The photo opportunity is my own.
The grasslands that extend beyond the horizon are magnificent and beautiful.
Humans rarely come to the river where so many kinds of birds live.
Although it was a lagoon,
the waves were not quiet, but the weather was good.
The Arctic Ocean is rented out and only one.
A wild adventure with no life jacket.
I don't know what will start, but I'm interested.
Set up a fishnet at the entrance of the river,
the river cruise is gentle a glide down the flowing river.
Suddenly, at 9am Dennis appeared,
"I'm going hunting today."
He hurriedly prepares and heads to the eastern end of the Island in a sand buggy.
It can be seen that the area of the sand Island is being
scraped off little by little due to global warming.
"Lunch box" and two guns.
(Powerful shotguns and animals) Besides,
even the sand buggy is loaded on the boat.
From Shishmaref Island,
take a handmade boat to mainland Alaska.
(The screw is Yamaha's 200 horsepower) The owner of the boat is Robbie Ninget.
(Dennis' friend 40 carpenter) Of course,
Richard's son Dennis (39) is with him.
The typhoon-like wind that has been blowing
since last night is a lie-like good weather.
Serpentime River
The lobby that went up to the shore had another feather hanging in his hand.
One more bird after Dennis points his finger.
We can't see anything, but the Eskimos can see them flapping their wings in the meadow.
One hundred shots and one hundred skills.
The river adventure continues.
Serpentime River AdventureⅠ