U.S. federal republic Rota island_ Boat picnic
- Thursday, June 07 2007 @ 03:00 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 4,249

Kotetsu swimming with fish

The seas of Ogasawara and Ishigaki Islandare also wonderful,
Untouched natural You can't beat the Islands of

The beachis full of coral reefs, steep rocks
There is only one place where you can swim.
The water visibility is said to be70 meters
Certainly, the beauty of water is outstanding on every Island.
Boat picnic
The boat picnic ($ 50) is an underwater swim at thesnorkel point.
A natural aquarium that forgets time.
A big fish swims away right next to your body,
Kotetsu is also surprised.