Madagascar Island, Republic of Madagascar_Baobab tree-lined road
- Thursday, June 28 2007 @ 03:16 PM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 5,896

Cebu cow with one hump
Madagascar tortoise
The Baobao
Baobao's shadow
Tree-lined road dyed in the setting sun
Meal with candles
Hurry to Cebu cow and home
Children playing on the tree-lined avenue of Baobao
Water ream pond
Baobab tree-lined road

Inthe hotelroom
where the sunset shines mosquito coils andcandles are always available.
A flashlight is also a must-have item.
Power outages several times a day.Toiletsare also prohibited when there is a power outage.
Be patient for at least an hour.
"Come on, let's go for supper"
"Click" "Ah, power outage"
The flashlight at hand comes into play.
The candles are lit,
but the mood is not perfect.
Children playing with tourists from all over the world
some children wear second-hand clothes,
but in Japan they are so old,
that we don't use even them as rags.
"I don't care about things."
The shadows of bright children grow long.
Even if you are poor,
your eyes will shine,
The trunk, which is dyed redin the setting sun,
feels like taking a deep breath.
Sardine cloudscreate an exotic atmosphere in the sky
It seems to be in a picture book with a strangesilhouette.
A person who returns home after being
shaken by a bed of
Cebu cows (one hump) on a tree-lined road.
People passing by in overcrowdedtrucks,
Baobabis watching over it.
The huge tree shape has few leaves and is 20 to 30 m high.
Even if5 to 6 people hold hands,
there are still some that are not thick enough.
The secret behind the giant seems to be in the big trunk.
Chlorophyll is present under the bark,
so it is dignified in a harsh natural environment.
You can be proud of yourself toward heaven.
When you go outside, the Southern Cross and
the Milky Way are shining even more in the starry sky.
This was also profitable thanks to the power outage
Baobab tree-lined road