Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae _Prologue
- Tuesday, June 12 2007 @ 10:09 AM JST
- Contributed by: tetujin60
- Views: 4,276

Oranges that Warten put in
Eline and Kotetsu

The world-famous mangrove forest spreads out
Hibiscus and tropical flowers are in full bloom.
Rich in bananas, palm nuts, and citrus fruits.
Warten, a relative of Masako Pompeii
put in a lot of oranges.
The last Island of Island hopping.
Arrived from Pompeii in just one hour.
An airport that I can't think of for the first time. Yes!
At the airport, a person I met in Pompeii.
Relatives welcomed me.
It's like going home.
The car to meet you is a used minibus a Japanese car,
90% ofJapanese cars are running in the city.
Among Yap, Chuk, Pompeii and Kosrae.
It seems to be the best time to spend.
I visited Warten's house immediately.
A building with a high ceiling made of steel,
it seems that it was used as a school in the past.
Dad Lopin (73) lives in a wheelchair because of a car accident.
The story of the Japanese colonial era in Katakoto's Japanese.
Her grandson, Eline (2), sprinkles her love.